#20220072 DispoChat

PROJE KODU20220072
PROJE MALİYETİYazılım iş gücü
PROJE KATEGORİSİToplumsal, Sosyal Medya ve Diğer

Dispochat stands for “Disposable Chat” as it allows to be used on one-time use cases while keeping it as privacy-friendly as possible. We used full-stack web technologies for it to be accessible from any platform including mobile.

When someone needs to chat privately, a room needs to be created and the guest has to join to that room using the relevant room ID. This process requires no personal data to be entered and solely uses fingerprint data from the browser itself. When two users are successfully paired, all of their messaging is flowed through our web servers without any logging nor tracking. When the conversation is over. There is no way to bring back entered info as no information is saved at both servers and browser itself.

Because of fact that each user has a unique key, they can securely message in a chat room without any registration. Therefore, in case of any security vulnerability, user information will not be leaked because data is not kept and processed in the database. The main purpose of our project is to provide users with a secure chat environment.

Absolutely, it can be applied to our world.

Anonymous.2021.Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/React_(JavaScript_library),Access Date: 15.10.2021Anonymous. 2021. Wikipedia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Framework#Spring_Boot, Access Date: 15.10.2021 Anonymous. 2021.Wikipedi.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostgreSQLAccess Date: 15.10.2021 Anonymous.2021.Baeldung.https://www.baeldung.com/spring-bootAccess Date:15.10.2021Azizi, Y. E. 2021.Website.https://react-popup.elazizi.com/Access Date:27.10.2021Khadra, F. 2016. Github. https://github.com/fkhadra/react-toastifyAccess Date: 25.10.2021Darby, C.2020. Udemy.https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-hibernate-tutorial/, Access Date:22.10.2021Anonymous. 2015. FingerprintJS. https://dev.fingerprintjs.com/docs/understanding-our-995-accuracy, Access Date:01.11.2021Anonymous, 2021, React Router https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/getting-started/tutorialAccess Date: 28.12.2021Anoymous, 2021, React Tutorial https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.htmlAcsess Date 22.12.2021


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