#20220295 Keydama - A new social Media
PROJE KODU | 20220295 |
PROJE SAHİBİ | Michael Dereje Kebede |
PROJE SAHİBİ LINKEDIN | https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaeldkebede/ |
PROJE MALİYETİ | Maliyeti yok |
PROJE ÜNİVERSİTESİ | Ege Üniversitesi |
PROJE KATEGORİSİ | Toplum ve Sağlık |
PROJE DANIŞMANI | Assoc. Prof. Şebnem Bora |
A simple scalable social media app focused on university students. The main features include a feed where users can share posts publicly and a private messaging feature that allows users to communicate one-to-one.
The app will be built with scalability in mind with more features being added on and expanded of focus demography as time goes on.
Üniversite Öğrencilerine odaklı olması.